Whats Up With Congress In sports

By Awesome Tawasi
Being that I'm an avid sports fan and I keep my TV locked on ESPN I've come to find a problem with sports today, why is Congress always nosing into the affairs of the sports world. I just don't understand why they are so concerned with which baseball player is on steroids and if Bill Belicheck is video taping other teams practices.

In my personal opinion there's more important thing going on in the world like lets see.... The war in Iraq, people dying right before us in America, and don't get me started on the fact that gas is $4.07

I mean yes a lot of things are wrong with the sports world today, but I mean lets be serious Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens shouldn't be facing jail time because they took steriods. People go to jail for like 2 days for a DUI so why should these guys go to jail for using steriods. something is very wrong with the world.

Johnny's Worst Enemy

By Awesome Tawasi
I have many enemy's in this world but of them all I would say my most dangerous enemy is my mouth. I am a very outspoken person and my mouth has no filters so I pretty much say whatever I want whenever I want and it gets me into tons of trouble and sticky situations.

Take for instance this past weekend. We went back to PA to dj another party and long story short I got into an argument with the promoter who was our only ride back to the bus stop which was 3 hours away from our hotel. After i cursed her out for a little bit and my best friend Sean had to play piece maker she dropped us to another bus stop which was more money.

I then began to scream and yell at her and said she looks like the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt and would not move my things out of her car. Then she called the police on us.

My mouth gets me into very sticky situations. All i have to say is we should have went to Kenny's House (inside Joke)

Will Johnny Ever Graduate???

By Awesome Tawasi
Well Johnny Entered York college in the fall of 2004 and now coming to the end of the spring semester of 2008 which was supposed to be my graduating year, but unfortunatley will not be. It feels like I'll be stuck in this damn school for another 4 years. I'm going to keep it real its partly my fault why I'm still here but I am not the only one to blame her are some things i choose blame

  1. Cause they keep adding new classes and ridiculous requierments
  2. Important classes we need arent offered every semester
  3. Some of our advisors (I'm not gonna say any names starts with an M) wants us to take unnecessary courses. I wonder why????

all in all I enjoy school and I'm ready to work my ass of 2 get out but theres alot of nipple twisting going on



Johnny's new name NEMO???

By Awesome Tawasi
Well recently i decided to add another addition to this Johnny Wonderful Character with a name which represents me in many ways. The new name i decided to call myself is Nemo like the character from the movie "Finding Nemo". Many people have came up to me wrote me messages on myspace asking me of all names why Nemo??? Some people took alot of guess saying oh is that my favorite movie, I'm i lost like him, is orange my favorite color and is a clown fish my favorite fish??? Well all of these assumptions are true but it is not the reason why i now call myself nemo.

Take a look at this picture then think about what you really know about me then give me an answer!!! GOOD LUCK


I Hate public Transportation

By Awesome Tawasi
Today is yet another day I've been late to school. I'm not the kind of man who places the blame on things, but today really wasn't my fault. The MTA system totally sucks. I was waiting for the B44 for about 15 minutes and when it came it had about 1000 people on it. Finally when i got to the A train it took another 15 minutes and it was packed as well but lucky for me it had a few HONEY'S on it. Finally when i arrived @ broadway junction i had to almost push this lady out of the way who looked like she had a twisted ankle but yet she was wearing some busted high heel hooker boots, then i had to run for the J train as though i was on the track team.

Johnny's Next event

By Awesome Tawasi

Well as you all know I do throw party's and promote party's so this is my next even coming up May 31st @ cafe omar

this one is going  be crazy

Johnny's feelings on Justice

By Awesome Tawasi
Well on friday I believe the cops in the Sean Bell case were aquited of there charges. I honestly feel that this is crap but i kind of expected it. We live in a messed up world and at times i really feel the system sucks. This is one of the reasons I don't vote my voice doesn't matter because crap like this is still going to happen and I'm never gonna change the world. This is how the cards were delt so I'm just going to make money raise my family and try to have as much fun as i can before I die

??? What is 4rtnox????

By Awesome Tawasi
Well a few people have caught on to my blog and the see all my pictures, but i always get asked this question

What is that 4rtnox thing in all your pictures??????

Like in this pic for example


Do you see it????

heres a better look

4rtnox is a promotional group that throws party's and takes pictures at partys. 4rtnox is everywhere i go beccause I'm apart of 4rtnox along with some other guys. We have a website called 4rtnox.com (http://www.4rtnox.com) so sheck it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Return of Johnny Wonderful

By Awesome Tawasi

Finally Johnny Wonderful has Come Back to the blogisphere

Yes i have been gone for a while now but finally Johnny's back. This past month has been crazy. My crazy car Maxine has given me all she had and has broken down and now is living in someones yard and I've been forced to take the train WHAT A DRAG!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still DJing party's more than ever to try to get maxine fixed and i even went back to my 9 to 5 job in the city all for maxine. Oh yeah and i still LOVE PICTURES


All words no lies

By Awesome Tawasi
Well this is one of my first blogs with all words and no pictures to silence my blog haters!!!!!

todays topic is people who lie in relationships.

Personally i believe there are certain circumstances where a person should lie but I do Look at both sides of the spectrum where I want the girl I'm involved with to keep it 100% real with me.

When I lie its crushes me but sometimes i do it for alot of reasons here are some reasons why I LIE
  • I dont want to hurt the girls feelings
  • She doesn't know how to control her anger and she might do some crazy SHIT lol
  • Whatever I'm doing is none of her business!!!!!!
  • Tell her Whatever she wants to hear
  • Its my first instinct and its my nature

But Lying is not always the best thing to do so here a reasons why I don't LIE

  • I have a big mouth
  • I could get caught later so take my ass whipping now!!!!
  • I wouldn't want her to lie to me so i try to lead by example.
  • She aint nobody and she can't tell me NOTHING
  • I care for her dearly and i would never want to lie to her.

Well to conclude i hate girls that lie but lie if u must but try to do nothing wrong so you dont have to LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

By Awesome Tawasi
Well in class the other day a few people had some things to say about the great deal of pictures in my blog. I appriciate, welcome and respect the criticism, but to be honest I love pictures so this post is dedicated to Pictures of one of my nights out last week







Now you tell me in your words if you prefer these pictures or me just writing a thousand words

Johnny's Night Life

By Awesome Tawasi
Well to really get to kno a person like me you would have to understand that there are two sides to me

During the day I'm just plain old Tawasi Photobucket

A regular guy who loves to watch cartoons, play video games, listen to music, and most of sleep and eat cereal.Photobucket

But at night when I go out after a few drinks I transform into Johnny Wonderful

These are some of Johnnys best friends

These Friends of mine along with my buddies help me to become crazy and smooth at the same time and do things like this

Hey what can i say mabye i have a problem

I Might Need Rehab

Forget Love/Johnny's Top 10

By Awesome Tawasi

Well Since the Great Holiday Valentines Day is upon us i know everyone is going to be very mushy and loving Johnny's Valentine is music! Johnny feels that 90% of singers out now are fabricated by the industry standards and mostly SUCK so here are my







7.Mariah Carey


6.Toni Braxton


5.Janet Jackson


4.Whitney Houston


3.Keyshia Cole

2.Mary J Blidge


1.Lauryn Hill


Now This Post may be a little contraversial but hey ITS JOHNNY'S WORLD AND YOUR JUST A SQUIRREL


Welcome To The World Of Johnny!

By Awesome Tawasi

Hellow Blogger World, my name is Tawasi Clarke and I'm 21 years old. I Have many Interest and alot of things on my mind, but there are many sides to Tawasi in particular I have this alter ego by the name of Johnny Wonderful. Johnny is a Suave young man who is very good with the ladies. So Throughout this blog I'll share with you all alot of my personal thoughts and crazy adventures. Hope You enjoy!!!!!!!