Will Johnny Ever Graduate???

By Awesome Tawasi
Well Johnny Entered York college in the fall of 2004 and now coming to the end of the spring semester of 2008 which was supposed to be my graduating year, but unfortunatley will not be. It feels like I'll be stuck in this damn school for another 4 years. I'm going to keep it real its partly my fault why I'm still here but I am not the only one to blame her are some things i choose blame

  1. Cause they keep adding new classes and ridiculous requierments
  2. Important classes we need arent offered every semester
  3. Some of our advisors (I'm not gonna say any names starts with an M) wants us to take unnecessary courses. I wonder why????

all in all I enjoy school and I'm ready to work my ass of 2 get out but theres alot of nipple twisting going on



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