Johnny's Worst Enemy

By Awesome Tawasi
I have many enemy's in this world but of them all I would say my most dangerous enemy is my mouth. I am a very outspoken person and my mouth has no filters so I pretty much say whatever I want whenever I want and it gets me into tons of trouble and sticky situations.

Take for instance this past weekend. We went back to PA to dj another party and long story short I got into an argument with the promoter who was our only ride back to the bus stop which was 3 hours away from our hotel. After i cursed her out for a little bit and my best friend Sean had to play piece maker she dropped us to another bus stop which was more money.

I then began to scream and yell at her and said she looks like the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt and would not move my things out of her car. Then she called the police on us.

My mouth gets me into very sticky situations. All i have to say is we should have went to Kenny's House (inside Joke)

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