Johnny's feelings on Justice

By Awesome Tawasi
Well on friday I believe the cops in the Sean Bell case were aquited of there charges. I honestly feel that this is crap but i kind of expected it. We live in a messed up world and at times i really feel the system sucks. This is one of the reasons I don't vote my voice doesn't matter because crap like this is still going to happen and I'm never gonna change the world. This is how the cards were delt so I'm just going to make money raise my family and try to have as much fun as i can before I die

2 comments so far.

  1. MalmsteenRulez! April 28, 2008 at 5:18 PM
    Yup. I can't believe that they were all acquitted on ALL charges. I mean, what the muck? One or two bullets, okay, maybe people wouldn't have been this enraged. But we're talking 50 here!! 50!!! Oh yeah, about the issue of not voting, I kind of share the same view with u. I don't really trust all politicians. Even if I can vote, I wouldn't. I know some people say,"Oh well....since you don't vote, you can't really complain or have a say". Well guess what? WRONG!!! Since I don't vote, I can blame and make fun of all the
    people who voted. It's like, "It's kinda your fault that that stupid jerk is elected", u know what I mean?
  2. Iddan April 29, 2008 at 8:45 AM
    You sound kinda depressed there man. But this is why I wanted to go to France. At least in Europe they riot when they realize they are being mistreated. I'm kinda surprised they didn't riot though. I was kinda hoping I'd get some free stuff.

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